
Many people probably have different associations with the name Artemis. But how many think of chips, currywurst, and gyros instead of hunting, forests, and childbirth? Google also shows more fast food restaurants under the keyword than information about Greek mythology (at least in Bochum).

We encounter religious and mythological motifs everywhere in everyday life, whether in public spaces, TV series or video games. Companies are also discovering religious symbols for their marketing. Culture and religion are closely linked. But to what extent are these motifs deliberate? How are they taken up and interpreted?

As part of our topic "Artemis - Grill or Goddess. Religion in everyday life", we want to explore these or similar questions together. Religion in everyday life is a broad, exciting, and rich field of research examined and dealt with at different universities. We want to learn from and with each other.

We look forward to everyone giving a lecture and everyone listening!